A healthy world for a healthy future: We believe in sustainable practice, leaving as small a footprint as possible, caring about the environment around us and considering what we are leaving behind for our children and our children’s children. A belief in a shared universal collective guides us to choose organic, green, fairtrade, home-made, local-grown and eco-friendly whenever possible, because we are conscious that we are not the only ones who have, and will, tread on this beautiful planet.
Green spaces
Bringing nature from outside in: We love our greens (both eating them and being surrounded by them!) and our light-filled studio is dotted with air-purifying, calming and stress-reducing plants. But don’t just take our word for it - NASA’s research way back in the 1980’s found that household plants could remove up to 87% of toxins in the air, reduce symptoms of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ including burning eyes and respiratory issues, improve concentration and may help people recover quicker from illness. Coupled with the peaceful surrounds of an acre of natural rainforest, our studio is a perfect haven for healing, learning and holistic wellbeing.
Train hard, and smart
State-of-the-art equipment plus some out of the ordinary training methods. We love to lift heavy but also know the importance of a balanced exercise program that addresses core stability, mobility, real-life situations and importantly, doing what you enjoy. Ever done a supine lateral ball roll? Based on the C.H.E.K Institute’s Primal Patterns of Movement for optimal human functioning, we have equipment to suit everyone from our youngest clients, the exercise-newbie to the well-trained competitor looking for that extra edge. And yes, it does include Swiss balls and foam rolls :)
Blue Mind
Did someone say pool? There’s something about being near water that instinctively makes us feel more relaxed and calm and a front row seat to our little oasis (also used for hydrotherapy sessions in the warmer months!) is yours each time you visit our studio. ‘Blue Mind’ is a term coined by researcher Wallace J Nichols to refer to the scientifically supported ‘mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment’ when around water. It may not exactly be as cool as doing therapy and exercise on the beach but we think it comes pretty close to paradise.
Our gross motor playground & waiting area. Perfect for bouncing, balancing, jumping, sensory exploration and play. Adults allowed!
Earth-Friendly Mats
Our 100% eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, sustainable, carbon-neutral and ethically-sourced yoga mats from Australian company Second Earth are safe for kids, pregnant women and the environment. All the more reason to get your Up Dog down to our studio.
Bolster Me Up, Baby
Lovingly hand-made and customised using natural materials, our bolsters support a local business woman as well as your back and spine :) Find out more here.
DIY Natural Mat Cleaner
We make our own natural, chemical and toxin-free yoga mat cleaner with a few simple ingredients so you can avoid nasties (as well as stinky mats). Ask us for the recipe when you come in!
Our new open-air playground (that doubles as a waiting area) is great to practice and develop gross motor skills and to burn off extra energy!
Incorporating natural materials, varied, all-weather surfaces for sensory exploration and surrounded by our permaculture fruit and veggie garden, this is the perfect accompaniment to our unique indoor studio space. It features:
A dynamic balance bar that challenges balance, coordinator and proprioception and trains vital muscle groups. It also provides opportunities for active and social play and is made from hand-carved timber creating a natural, custom design.
A square jumper (or in-ground trampoline) supports vestibular, skeletal and cardiovascular systems and trains balance, core stability and coordination. It is also the perfect rebounder for our ‘big’ kids (here’s looking at you mums and dads :P).
Bounding domes and ground level circles help develop balance, colour recognition, muscle and bone strength and instructive obstacle course play.
Our hand-painted cubby house is perfect for fostering imaginative pretend play, role-modelling and social interaction skills.
Drink to Your Health
We believe one of the key foundations to good health is optimal hydration - we’re talking water that nourishes you and optimally hydrates your cells (yep, who would have thought not all water was created equal). We have water on offer from our Zazen water system, a remineralising, alkalising and natural electrolyte water filter from an Australian company that is also committed to providing good quality drinking water to children around Australia. Read more about their products and how they support our kids here. Why not drink your way to better health?