Strong, healthy and happy - that’s what we want for ourselves and our kids. In reality, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to eat well, exercise, take time out for yourself and spend meaningful time as a family. That’s where we can help.


Are you struggling to be healthy, keep your family healthy and find more balance in your life? Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed because of all the conflicting information and advice out there?

Hi there! I’m Sissy Taufika and I help health-conscious people like you find your optimal health mojo - so that you can not only do it all, but do it well, and feel empowered and like yourself again (or better!).

Because I’m also a mama, I understand that good health needs to fit into the everyday bustle we call family life. It’s my goal to help you find the best way to balance it all!


The Absolute Potential Approach

We base our practice on seven pillars of health: Thoughts, Breathing, Hydration, Sleeping, Nutrition, Movement and Community. Addressing all areas is essential to achievement of optimal health; whether you’re a dad wanting to play soccer with his five year old, or an expecting parent wanting to give your bubba the best start to life.

We believe in empowering through education, active participation, finding balance, fun, and lifelong health, not just temporary fixes.

Our purpose is to empower people to fit true health in body and mind into their busy lives so that together we can change the current health of our world for the better and create a strong, happy and healthy future generation.


Our Vision

We are passionate about providing an exceptional experience unlike that seen in traditional healthcare models.

We believe that everyone can and should live to their absolute potential.

Our clients always come first.

We will always give 110% and if we can’t get results, we will find someone who can.

We are committed to being the ideal role model of what we teach, coach and facilitate. We walk the talk.

We believe in reconnecting with our natural, true selves and Mother Earth, and living in a way that sustains our vitality as well as that of our planet.